Covered Dish Luncheon is This Sunday, June 8th!

covereddish Make sure you are planning to be a part of our covered dish luncheon after 11:00 AM Worship this Sunday. And if you can help set up, I’ll see you Saturday at 3:00 PM. What a great time we will have together o Sunday as we celebrate Pentecost and the outpouring of God’s Spirit!

8:00 AM – Men’s Breakfast

8:45 AM – Praise & Worship, Come celebrate the baptism of Todd and Gracie Levy!
9:45 AM – Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship, featuring the Friendship Class singing for us.

Then, Covered Dish Lunch together.

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Volunteers Needed

helpWe need volunteers for Children’s Church during the 11:00 AM service and we need workers in the nursery. If you could help, especially during the summer for one or more Sundays, contact the office at 804-795-2772 or call Mary Holmes at 804-795-2864 and let her know ASAP!

Also, if you haven’t already, go to Facebook and Laurel Hill United Methodist Church ( and LIKE our page. Share with your friends, too.

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A Special Maundy Thursday Service

BishopChoThursday, April 17th we are headed to New Town United Methodist Church at 5209 Monticello Avenue in Williamsburg, VA for their Maundy Thursday Service. Our Bishop Young Jin Cho will be sharing the gospel message that evening and we invite you to come join us for worship and Holy Communion.

The bus will be leaving Laurel Hill at 5:45 PM that evening. Call the office (795-2772) and reserve your place.

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