July Newsletter and Calendar!

momentum Come and learn how you can build momentum into your spiritual life! See how we will do this together in our newsletter and in our calendar.

Don’t let the summer become a time when your relationship of faith with the Lord wilts and weakens but summer is a growing time of gathering momentum for the future!

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Volunteers Needed

helpWe need volunteers for Children’s Church during the 11:00 AM service and we need workers in the nursery. If you could help, especially during the summer for one or more Sundays, contact the office at 804-795-2772 or call Mary Holmes at 804-795-2864 and let her know ASAP!

Also, if you haven’t already, go to Facebook and Laurel Hill United Methodist Church (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laurel-Hill-United-Methodist/270561269647964) and LIKE our page. Share with your friends, too.

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