Baptismal Service Following Sunday Service

baptism 5This coming Sunday, July 30th, you’re invited to share in the baptismal service for Lily Walton, Henry Horne, and Tripp Walton following our 11:00 AM service.  We will process from Laurel Hill to Varina on the James where each confirmand will confess their faith in Jesus Christ and enter into this new relationship with Christ in baptism.

Dying to themselves, they will rise in newness of life to serve the Lord. You are asked to come and renew your commitment of faith and pledge your faith and help to those newly baptized.

We’ll see you Sunday at Laurel Hill then drive down Varina Road to Varina on the James for our service.

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Covered Dish Luncheon is This Sunday, June 8th!

covereddish Make sure you are planning to be a part of our covered dish luncheon after 11:00 AM Worship this Sunday. And if you can help set up, I’ll see you Saturday at 3:00 PM. What a great time we will have together o Sunday as we celebrate Pentecost and the outpouring of God’s Spirit!

8:00 AM – Men’s Breakfast

8:45 AM – Praise & Worship, Come celebrate the baptism of Todd and Gracie Levy!
9:45 AM – Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship, featuring the Friendship Class singing for us.

Then, Covered Dish Lunch together.

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