A Season of Thanksgiving (and Persecution) Is Coming

Fall reminds us things are changing and when it involves leaves we look forward with thanks-1thanksgiving to the colorful displays those changes will bring. But, what if the changes we observe as other things fall stir up other emotions? The Psalmist asks, “If the foundations be torn down, what can the righteous do?”(Psalm 11: 3)

The Psalmist says our lives are going to be under scrutiny, our faith tested. This is not only directed at us from the world but more importantly from the Lord. Read Psalm 11. The Lord wants to prove your faith to reveal His glory and judgement in the earth.

1 Peter 4: 12-13 says, “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.”

Jesus was emphatic to tell us us this in John 15: 21, “They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.” We who bear the name of Christ will be persecuted in the days ahead.  Do not be surprised when the world’s ignorance, unbelief and hatred is directed towards you. Don’t react in such a way that you identify with the world more than with Christ.

What can the righteous do when the foundations are destroyed?  First, we can determine what we won’t do. We won’t live anymore for sin or to do our own will. We won’t avoid or gloss over the hard and prophetic places in the Holy Scripture. We won’t give the devil a foothold in our lives by not forgiving or holding on to bitterness. We won’t be ashamed of the absolute claims Jesus makes about Himself. Finally, we will quit talking and acting as if God’s judgment is far off.

Instead, we determine to live our lives doing the will of God, attentive to the Word of God. We will forgive just as in Christ we have been forgiven. We will be led by the Holy Spirit and walk in His comfort. If we suffer as a Christian, we are not ashamed, but praise God that we bear that name.

“For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And, ‘If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?’ So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.” (1 Peter 4: 17-19)

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Beginning in October

First Sundaworldcommunion2016y in October is a very special day as we observe World Communion Sunday with our brothers and sisters all around the globe. One bread, one body, one Lord who is over us all. We rejoice in God’s mighty work among His people.

This Sunday also marks the first of five Sundays when we can bring in books, DVD’s, and stuffed animals for our ministry partnership with the Pediatric Emergency Room at the VCU Medical Center. Make the most of this opportunity to share and demonstrate the love of Jesus to these needy children.

Follow all we can do together through this month’s calendar and newsletter. Plus, see how we can be involved again in HEARTH, the Thanksgiving Food Box Program.

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Waking Up to Revival and More…

revivalI hope you’ve already noticed the signs at the Route 5 Churches that invite you to Wake Up and be a part of our Community Revival, September 11-13, 2016 at Four Mile Creek Baptist Church.  Each night we will enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and go into God’s courts with praise at 6:45 PM, then our service will begin at 7:00 PM. You don’t want to miss this move of God in our midst.

You also want to be aware of all that God is doing this month at Laurel Hill so see and read our newsletter and see our Calendar.

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Vacation Bible School Starts Tonight!

Light it up!VBS2016 Join us as we explore following Jesus, the Light of the world. Registration and supper (!TACOS!) begins at 5:30 PM with our Opening Sing and Play Rock starting at 6:00 PM.  (If you are helping prepare for supper be in the fellowship hall around 4 PM.)

Tomorrow morning we will start our expedition together at 9:00 AM and close around noon.

Sunday, we celebrate that “He is the Light” during our 11:00 AM service and then everyone is invited to stay and enjoy a covered dish lunch.  We look forward to seeing everyone at VBS!

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Join in Praying for Revival

Dear Friends: You missed a great blessing if you weren’t here with us on August 3rd as we prayed together but we are called to come prayforrevivaltogether again this Wednesday, August 17th at 7:00 PM. I want you to be there.

Laurel Hill has begun a new evening prayer service on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 P.M.  These services will be focused on our many prayer concerns and prayers of gratitude.  There will be opportunities for corporate and individual prayer.  The beginning of each service will include a time to hear the Word and to reflect on the scripture passage.  There will also be an opportunity to lift our voices to the Lord in song.  Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to share in prayer and to rejoice in God’s grace together.  For additional information or if you have transportation needs, please contact Phil Deane at 804-334-9582.

We have also been called to join our brothers and sisters at Four Mile Creek for a special season of prayer for our Community Revival Services, September 11 – 13, 2016. Please click on this link and let us pray together!


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