August Newsletter and Calendar

There is a VBS2016change this month. We will have our Luncheon on second Sunday, the 14th to coincide with our Vacation Bible School celebration! We also start a new Prayer Service on Wednesday, August 3rd at 7:00 PM and we’ll meet again on the 17th. I hope to see you coming through the door of the sanctuary as we seek the Lord together.

Here is your Calendar and newsletter.

Please let your neighbors know (especially if they have small children or grandchildren) the Weekday School will be having their Open House for Fall enrollment on August 16, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

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July Newsletter and Calendar

Here is the newsletter and Calendar for July!wethepeople

Remember what Thomas Jefferson and others have said: “The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Pray for our country and for the awakening we need from the Lord. Pray also, for the delegates from the United Methodist Church that will be electing bishops in the month of July.

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Celebrate Varina!

doreyparkSaturday, June 4th from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, you are invited to Celebrate Varina! at Dorey Park. Celebrate Varina! is sponsored by the Varina Ruritan Club and is hosted by the Henrico Parks and Recreation Department.

If you can share the joy and kindness of Jesus and your appreciation and love for Laurel Hill UMC, Laurel Hill UMC Weekday School and our Varina Community, call Peggy Singlemann and let her know you can help be an ambassador for Laurel Hill for whatever part of the day you can.  Thanks

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June Newsletter & Calendar

2016Annual-ConferenceJune marks the beginning of summer for most of us. For a United Methodist preacher, June marks the end of one ministry year and the anticipation of renewing an appointment to ministry for the future. Pray and participate fully as we move forward together. Keep up with things with our Newsletter and Calendar.

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