Are You Committed to the Lord?

octoberOctober is a special month for Laurel Hill.  It is a month to gauge and grow in our commitment to the Lord.  It is a month when we will celebrate Laity Sunday, October 8th in both services. It is a month when we will host our annual Charge Conference with seven other churches participating on October 15th!

It is also the month for collecting books, DVD’s, and stuffed animals for our ministry partnership with the Children’s Hospital of Richmond and the Pediatric Emergency Room.  Make sure you’re helping and participating in this great outreach.

Also, at the end of the month, on the 28th, Laurel Hill will have a Fall Festival for our children and our families.  Find out all about it in the newsletter and get it on your schedule as you check the monthly Calendar.

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Beginning in October

First Sundaworldcommunion2016y in October is a very special day as we observe World Communion Sunday with our brothers and sisters all around the globe. One bread, one body, one Lord who is over us all. We rejoice in God’s mighty work among His people.

This Sunday also marks the first of five Sundays when we can bring in books, DVD’s, and stuffed animals for our ministry partnership with the Pediatric Emergency Room at the VCU Medical Center. Make the most of this opportunity to share and demonstrate the love of Jesus to these needy children.

Follow all we can do together through this month’s calendar and newsletter. Plus, see how we can be involved again in HEARTH, the Thanksgiving Food Box Program.

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Kicking Off Our Ministry with the Pediatric ER

Wpediatric emergencye welcome Emily Horne, nurse practitioner at the Pediatric Emergency Room, to our 11:00 AM worship service and lunch Sunday, April 3rd as we kickoff our collection of stuffed animals, books, and DVD’s for the children at MCV!
If you want to help set up for lunch, join the Men for breakfast at 8:00 AM. Otherwise, I’ll see you at 8:45 AM for Early Service, at 9:45 AM for Sunday School, or at 11:00 AM for Traditional Worship.
Also, the Youth will meet following lunch and you can pick them up at 2:30 PM.
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