Category: Missions
A Time Set Apart to Pray
Sunday, April 10th is a day set apart to pray for the United Methodist General Conference 2016 gathering in Portland, Oregon. It is a pivotal time for our church in its struggle for orthodoxy and vitality and you are asked to intercede for divine favor and direction for the whole of the conference which is scheduled for May 10th through 20th, 2016.
We are asking you to join a prayer vigil in the sanctuary that will begin immediately following the 11:00 AM worship service at high noon and run through midnight. We will have a sign up sheet divided into 15 minute intervals available Sunday, April 3rd or you can call the office or Norman and let us know the time(s) for which you will be responsible.
Prayer guides will be provided to assist you in this focused time of intercession. Come and let the zeal of the Lord of hosts bring forth a fervent and effective time of prayer through you for our General Conference.
A Good Report
The Bible tells us we can rejoice in the Lord and we certainly can at Laurel Hill United Methodist Church. So many have helped us share our love for the mission and ministries to which God has called us, especially recently through our Mission Dinner and Auction. From those who donated items, to those who prepared them for display and auction, to those who served our meal, to those who decorated our tables, to those who auctioned the items, to those who gave without getting anything in return, we are so blessed and thankful for every soul.
In that same passage that encourages us to rejoice in the Lord, it also speaks about what we need to be thinking. So, I want to help you think about what is true, lovely, and brings forth a good report: after subtracting our expenses from all the proceeds and donations we received, we raised almost $7,500 for our mission and ministries!
Again, I say thanks to all who helped and a big, shout out of praise to the Lord from whom all blessings flow.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Sunday, March 6, 2016 is designated as the One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday. This is when we receive an offering to cover the administrative costs of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. We are asked to give generously as this offering provides the means for 100% of subsequent gifts to go towards disaster relief such as assisting those affected by the recent tornadoes in Virginia.
Following this offering on Sunday, we ask you to designate your gifts to Advance Mission Special #5037 to continue offering a faithful response to people in their hour of need. Please read Bishop Young Jin Cho’s letter to us concerning the recent, tragic storms. I knew Mr. Harris (the person killed by the tornado near Appomattox) since Evergreen is on the other end of the charge where I grew up and I know his family and others like them will be blessed and encouraged by your good giving.
A Time Set Apart for Prayer and Vision
This Saturday morning at Laurel Hill will be a time set apart for prayer and pursuing the vision of ministry God has for us. We’ll start with breakfast at 8:00 AM. Thanks to Doug Singlemann and other men of God for preparing this meal for us before we meet together. We will begin with a time of devotion and worship at 8:45 AM, preparing our hearts to hear from God and each other and then formally begin our focused time at 9:00 AM.
This is more than planning our calendar. This is a time of agreed upon focus and mission where we mark our year with the ministries we believe help us fulfill God’s holy purposes for Laurel Hill within the kingdom and within our community.
At 11:45 AM, we will share in Holy Communion to conclude this sacred time.