Raised Up in September

harveyreliefOur world is showing it’s need for Jesus Christ more and more every day.  Whether we are facing civil unrest or natural disasters, we are being called upon by the Lord to be raised up and counted during the month of September.  We are the church, the body of Christ, commissioned as the Lord’s representatives in the earth.

This begins with our commitment to share the good news of Jesus Christ through word, deed, and sign.  This involves demonstrating our love for people in concrete and honest ways.  Invite your friends and neighbors to worship with you as we find fresh wisdom from God’s ancient source of truth, the Holy Scriptures this month.

Join us in supporting those devastated by Hurricane Harvey through UMCOR and see the five ways you can help right now. Remember also, September is Hunger Awareness Month and the Society of Saint Andrew asks for our involvement including participating in the Virginia Day of Action, Friday September 29, 2017.

Plus, here is our September Calendar and newsletter.

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Follow Up Mercies after Hurricane Matthew

hurricanmatthewI know many of you are praying and are concerned how we might be of help to the victims of Hurricane Matthew. This is the first Southeastern Jurisdiction United Methodist Volunteer in Mission update: SEJ UMVIM update for our disaster response.

Thank you to Lois Miller for alerting us Sunday to the good work UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) is already on the ground doing in Haiti and the Caribbean. Read about it in this article: UMCOR’s Quick Response.hurricanematthew1

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One Great Hour of Sharing

75thAnniversarylogo-200Sunday, March 6, 2016 is designated as the One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday. This is when we receive an offering to cover the administrative costs of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. We are asked to give generously as this offering provides the means for 100% of subsequent gifts to go towards disaster relief such as assisting those affected by the recent tornadoes in Virginia.

Following this offering on Sunday, we ask you to designate your gifts to Advance Mission Special #5037 to continue offering a faithful response to people in their hour of need. Please read Bishop Young Jin Cho’s letter to us concerning the recent, tragic storms. I knew Mr. Harris (the person killed by the tornado near Appomattox) since Evergreen is on the other end of the charge where I grew up and I know his family and others like them will be blessed and encouraged by your good giving.


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Helping those in Oklahoma.

umcorlogo You can minister hope and healing for those devastated by tornadoes in Oklahoma. Pray first. This is how we can be a first responder. Read the article from the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) site, http://www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Resources/News-Stories/2013/May/0521-After-Moore-Tornado.

Then, give and know that 100% of what you donate through UMCOR goes to help those who need it most! How can you give? Donations can be made on line or by writing a check to LHUMC designating it for UMCOR Advance #901670.

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