Special Music and Concert Sunday!

Sunday, May 1st, Laharpensembleurel Hill is happy to welcome back the American Youth Harp Ensemble who will share with us during our 11:00 AM Worship Service and perform in a concert at 1:30 PM. In between, they will share 1st Sunday Lunch with us in the fellowship hall.

You are invited to join us for our worship and fellowship and/or the wonderful concert the young people will give. We look forward to enjoying their music with you Sunday.

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Our Mission and Ministries’ Yard Sale

Our Mission and Ministries Yard & Bake Sale is set for Friday, April 22 from 5:30 PyardbakesaleM and for Saturday, 6:30 AM – 1:00 PM Please consider donating a baked good(s) from your favorite recipe. Whole cakes and pies as well as individual servings are needed. Bring your wrapped and priced donations before 4 PM on Friday, April 22.

Also, if you have donations that need to be picked up call the office before Thursday evening. If you can help us with picking things up or can loan us the use of a pick up truck be here at 6:00 PM, Thursday, April 21st. Thanks everyone for their help.


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Kicking Off Our Ministry with the Pediatric ER

Wpediatric emergencye welcome Emily Horne, nurse practitioner at the Pediatric Emergency Room, to our 11:00 AM worship service and lunch Sunday, April 3rd as we kickoff our collection of stuffed animals, books, and DVD’s for the children at MCV!
If you want to help set up for lunch, join the Men for breakfast at 8:00 AM. Otherwise, I’ll see you at 8:45 AM for Early Service, at 9:45 AM for Sunday School, or at 11:00 AM for Traditional Worship.
Also, the Youth will meet following lunch and you can pick them up at 2:30 PM.
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A Time Set Apart to Pray

2016gclogopraySunday, April 10th is a day set apart to pray for the United Methodist General Conference 2016 gathering in Portland, Oregon. It is a pivotal time for our church in its struggle for orthodoxy and vitality and you are asked to intercede for divine favor and direction for the whole of the conference which is scheduled for May 10th through 20th, 2016.

We are asking you to join a prayer vigil in the sanctuary that will begin immediately following the 11:00 AM  worship service at high noon and run through midnight. We will have a sign up sheet divided into 15 minute intervals available Sunday, April 3rd or you can call the office or Norman and let us know the time(s) for which you will be responsible.

Prayer guides will be provided to assist you in this focused time of intercession. Come and let the zeal of the Lord of hosts bring forth a fervent and effective time of prayer through you for our General Conference.

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