Set Aside Time

snowfirstThe snow had just started when Karen’s cousin, Matt Mason posted this yesterday. We are praying for everyone at home today in the snow. It’s 22 degrees and snowing and feels colder because of the wind. But, if it makes you feel better, it’s minus 11 in White Lake, Wisconsin where Hannah and Ava are this morning.
As we are set aside because of the snow this weekend, I would recommend a few things if things get cancelled.

1. Set aside the time you were going to be in Sunday School and District Leadership Training on Sunday and use that same amount of time to read and meditate upon the Scriptures.

2. Set aside your tithes and gifts that you would have given or put on the altar rail and save it for the opportunity to share later.

3. Set aside that time you would have been in corporate worship to listen to good, Biblical preaching on TV or better yet sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to each other making up a melody in your heart to the Lord.

Use this time you are set aside by the snow to bless the Lord and rely upon Him. Don’t forget to check on your neighbors. Love you.

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August Newsletter and Calendar

There is a VBS2016change this month. We will have our Luncheon on second Sunday, the 14th to coincide with our Vacation Bible School celebration! We also start a new Prayer Service on Wednesday, August 3rd at 7:00 PM and we’ll meet again on the 17th. I hope to see you coming through the door of the sanctuary as we seek the Lord together.

Here is your Calendar and newsletter.

Please let your neighbors know (especially if they have small children or grandchildren) the Weekday School will be having their Open House for Fall enrollment on August 16, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

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Is This a Holy Week for You?

holy weekToday is Maundy Thursday, a day historically to remember the night when Jesus gathered in an upper room with his disciples, washed his disciples’ feet, shared the bread and the wine, and then went out to the garden to make a final surrender in prayer. This is the night when Jesus was betrayed, denied, and taken by the authorities to a mock trial that rushes the whole generation towards judgment.

This was supposed to be a holy week for all of Israel. Daniel had prophesied as to the time when Messiah would come. This was the time of God’s visitation. The loud hosannas had been shouted on the street at the beginning of the week as the people “made a highway for their King”.  But, now it seemed that evil and wickedness had stepped in to steal, kill, and destroy the hope that many held in their hearts.

What continued to make this a holy week was the willingness for the Messiah to suffer for us. What made this a holy week was Jesus. As John the Baptist had proclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” So, it was that “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.  By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished.” (Isaiah 53: 7 – 8)

Yes, this is a holy week for God says, through the prophet Isaiah, that the Lord will suffer all these things to make a people who are holy unto Him. Is this a holy week for you? As my friend Dr. Jim Lavender asks, “Is the life you’re living worth Jesus dying for?”

We give thanks together for the Lord’s sacrifice for us beginning this evening at 7:00 PM through a focused time of prayer, devotion, and Holy Communion.  Tomorrow night, we will worship in our Good Friday service at 7:00 PM and Sunday our schedule is:

Sunrise Service 6:30 AM

Breakfast, following the service

Early Service 8:45 AM

Sunday School 9:45 AM

Traditional Worship 11:00 AM

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“Laurel Hill, We Have a Problem… But It’s Getting Fixed.”

leaks4We finally got back into the church building after the snow and discovered we had snow come down on the inside of the church as well as outside. But, thanks to everyone for responding quickly and we hope limiting the eventual damage. Now, we work on fixing the problem.

Because of the clean up and drying out work that needs to be completed by the Richmond ServPro we will use our Fellowship Hall as our worship space this Sunday, January 31st. Come on and share in Sunday School as normal. Step over any chords you see in the hall or running from the classrooms and then come on downstairs as we worship together. Worship times remain the same- 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM.  See you Sunday!

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You Can Learn a Lot at Laurel Hill

You really can learn a lot at Laurel Hill United Methodist. You can learn that Jesus loves you and gave Himself for you. You can learn how to seek God and study His word in Sunday School. You can learn how to follow and play music or sing in the choir. You can learn how to love one another and serve your community. If you had been at Laurel Hill today, you could have even learned how to prune rose bushes. Peggy Singlemann, Director of Horticulture at Maymont, and our sister in the faith was teaching several of our members how to prune for maximum growth this morning.
Rose pruning

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