February Is Heart Havens Month!

hh-month-2018-fb-cover.pngWhat makes your life full and rich? Is it your involvement in church? Your job? Is it the
friends you go to the movies with, or the buddies who come over to watch the football

Could it even be the small choices you make every day, such as what to have
for breakfast or what to watch on TV in the evening? All of these things together are
what fill our lives with joy and keep us engaged in our communities.

Adults with a developmental disability want a life just like yours: a life where they are
part of a community, get to experience the many joys the world has to offer, and make
their own choices. That’s where Heart Havens comes in.

Heart Havens is a Virginia Conference Advance Special mission that provides
residential support to adults with a developmental disability, but it’s so much more than
just providing a house. Heart Havens empowers people to discover what it is they love
and then pursue it.

No matter what the goal is, Heart Havens is all about helping the people they support find a way to make their dreams a reality.

This February, our congregation will lift up Heart Havens Month, a time to both support the Heart Havens mission with our gifts and celebrate the gifts that people with a developmental disability bring to the church. Gifts we collect for Heart Havens allow them to continue providing a vibrant lifestyle for the people they support.

To learn more about Heart Havens and the Heart Havens homes around the Conference, please visit www.hearthavens.org.

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2018January makes a fresh start for all of us. In the messages for the month, we will make a fresh start in remembering the things of God that are revealed as vital and enduring for us. We will make a fresh start in our Administrative Council and in our ministry together. You can see this and more in our January Newsletter and Calendar.

You can also be reminded of those who will be serving as nominated leaders in the year ahead and of our 2018 budget.

Also, you can read the sermon from December 31st on How to Make Holy Resolutions, if you would like some guidance from the Bible about making 2018 a truly new year.

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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Advent themeWelcome to Advent and the Christmas season! Let’s celebrate what God has done, is doing, and is going to do.

“For unto us a child is born and unto us a Son is given.”

Here is our December  Newsletter  and Calendar . Sunday, December 3rd pick up a copy of the Advent Devotional from the Society of Saint Andrew and move through this time giving thanks and praise for all that God has done through Jesus Christ the Son!

Prepare for the weeks ahead:

December 10, 2017, we will have special music by the Friendship Class.

December 17, 2017, we have a special program and special music by the children from our Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Thursday’s Children’s Choir.

December 24, 2017 we will have our regular morning services then our Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion Service at 7 PM. During this service we will receive a special offering for United Methodist Family Services.

I look forward to seeing you at all of our worship services.

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Community Thanksgiving Service

communitythanksgiving1You’re invited to join us at our Community Thanksgiving Service Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7:00 PM. The Rev. Kevin Sykes and St. James Baptist Church (2169 New Market Road) encourage you to be a part of our worship and thanksgiving!

The Rev. Norman Ramsey of Laurel Hill United Methodist Church will be preaching and we can expect great things from our community choir.

The offering we receive will benefit Eastern Henrico FISH.

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