Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2018January makes a fresh start for all of us. In the messages for the month, we will make a fresh start in remembering the things of God that are revealed as vital and enduring for us. We will make a fresh start in our Administrative Council and in our ministry together. You can see this and more in our January Newsletter and Calendar.

You can also be reminded of those who will be serving as nominated leaders in the year ahead and of our 2018 budget.

Also, you can read the sermon from December 31st on How to Make Holy Resolutions, if you would like some guidance from the Bible about making 2018 a truly new year.

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Finishing 2016, Starting 2017

How can you make the end of a year a point of breakthrough instead of just a place you start over? Realize God is drawing us forward to repentance. Now is not the time to substitute regret for things undone with repentance of dead works. When we repent, we are aligning ourselves with the new grace and mercy God is giving us today.

What’s the one thing God is fervently stirring you to do? Let every other resolution or goal reflect that priority. You may pursue multiple goals but what you won’t let yourself do is change the order of those goals until God commands you to do it. I’ll repeat that to remind you: We may pursue multiple goals but we won’t change the order of those goals unless God commands us.

Don’t fall into the trap of your day determining your actions. Instead, let’s make sure our actions determine the day! And, let’s make sure our actions reflect our priority.

Remember, God has assured us of the Holy Spirit’s guidance and the instruction of His Word to conform us into the image of His Dear Son. Let us remember to follow.

Norman Ramsey

P.S. Don’t fall into the trap of having priorities – plural. Have a priority. Do it first and then everything else can get in line after that.seekfirst

P.S.S. Read the Laurel Hill United Methodist Church January newsletter and calendar.

P.S.S.S. Read the Norman Ramsey Ministries 2016 Year End newsletter and be blessed as you move into 2017!

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