The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Advent themeWelcome to Advent and the Christmas season! Let’s celebrate what God has done, is doing, and is going to do.

“For unto us a child is born and unto us a Son is given.”

Here is our December  Newsletter  and Calendar . Sunday, December 3rd pick up a copy of the Advent Devotional from the Society of Saint Andrew and move through this time giving thanks and praise for all that God has done through Jesus Christ the Son!

Prepare for the weeks ahead:

December 10, 2017, we will have special music by the Friendship Class.

December 17, 2017, we have a special program and special music by the children from our Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Thursday’s Children’s Choir.

December 24, 2017 we will have our regular morning services then our Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion Service at 7 PM. During this service we will receive a special offering for United Methodist Family Services.

I look forward to seeing you at all of our worship services.

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Raised Up in September

harveyreliefOur world is showing it’s need for Jesus Christ more and more every day.  Whether we are facing civil unrest or natural disasters, we are being called upon by the Lord to be raised up and counted during the month of September.  We are the church, the body of Christ, commissioned as the Lord’s representatives in the earth.

This begins with our commitment to share the good news of Jesus Christ through word, deed, and sign.  This involves demonstrating our love for people in concrete and honest ways.  Invite your friends and neighbors to worship with you as we find fresh wisdom from God’s ancient source of truth, the Holy Scriptures this month.

Join us in supporting those devastated by Hurricane Harvey through UMCOR and see the five ways you can help right now. Remember also, September is Hunger Awareness Month and the Society of Saint Andrew asks for our involvement including participating in the Virginia Day of Action, Friday September 29, 2017.

Plus, here is our September Calendar and newsletter.

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Follow and Pray for Annual Conference

Watch Annual Conference via live stream on website, Facebook
Live streaming of the 2015 Virginia Annual Conference will be available, beginning at 10 a.m. Friday, June 19, from the Virginia Conference website,, and from the Virginia Conference Facebook page, Or go directly to The live streaming will AC-2015-color-logoshow all sessions of the three-day conference, including worship at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 21, when Bishop Young Jin Cho will preach. Local churches may show the live video of the Annual Conference worship service during their Sunday morning worship services. Click here to download liturgy for the service that may be used in a church bulletin.

Pray as well for Theresa Duke, Kirby Miller, and the pastor to make every decision with the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray for those elected to represent us at next year’s General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference. Also, pray that we will bless the ministry of the Society of Saint Andrew. The pastor’s CD’s will be on display at their table and every CD sold raises $5.00 towards feeding the hungry while we are at Conference.

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