Starting Over in September

caritas1September is a wonderful month. Our children are headed back to school. Football season is back. Yet, with all that is going on we are active in the work of the kingdom! We are finishing our summer and starting our fall in a dynamic way as we host the CARITAS families from August 29th – September 6th. During the month, you are invited to a special Community Worship service as our brothers and sisters down at Four Mile Creek Baptist Church welcome us to their 10:00 AM service on September 20th. Our choir will join with theirs as we lift our voices together in praise to the Living God!  That is also the second day of the UCI World Bicycle Championships. We welcome our visitors from around the world here on the 19th and the 20th to Varina.

You can find out more about that and more as you view our church Calendar and Newsletter for the month of September. uci1

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Women’s Bible Study

inheritanceThe Women’s Bible Study resumes on Saturday, October 11th at 9:00 AM at the parsonage. This Bible Study Group will meet monthly on the 2nd Saturday of every month. This video guided time follows Beth Moore’s series, Inheritance. You can order your listening guide for $5.00. Speak to Karen for details and questions.

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Two Week Countdown!


Last winter I got to enjoy a wonderful time of Bible Study with some of the folks here at Laurel Hill.  Well, that time together has become a new book called More than Breathing: Pursuing Life in the Power of the Spirit. I received the “proof” copy of the book today and am giving it the final review before I say, “Yes!” to it being available for you.  We’re counting down the days but you don’t have to wait.  You can order your copy in advance.  Email me or call me and I’ll put a signed copy of the book in your hands as soon as it’s ready!  If I’ll see you at church this Sunday, just let me know you want a copy.

In More than Breathing, we follow the pathway of grace to reveal the way God transforms our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. Step by gracious step, More than Breathing describes how God wants to give you a life of joy that is appropriate, prayerful, backed up by God’s Spirit, and always at peace.

Do you need a way to think through and tackle the challenges of your life? Then discover a life that is More than Breathing. Do you need to change your way of doing things? Learn how to approach life as a new creation in Christ. Learn how to walk as a person of faith. Find out how Father Abraham can become your training partner in finding your second wind. Let the Apostle Paul mentor you in the way of love. Evaluate your progress in being led by the Spirit as you take the Love Test.

Discover the ancient paths of grace for yourself and share with others a life that is More than Breathing!

Jonathan Dow, Executive Director of Aldersgate Renewal says, “Thank you for sharing this resource. I appreciate the practicality of the book, the freedom to self-evaluate, and the invitation to grow in intimacy with God in the freedom of grace.”

List Price: $8.00
6″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
112 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1480174832 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1480174831
BISAC: Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth

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