As we move down the road into fall please keep up with how you can be involved in fulfilling the ministry and mission of Laurel Hill United Methodist Church and Weekday School. October is a special month for many reasons. This is the month we collect books, DVDs, and stuffed animals for our partnership with the VCU Medical Center’s Children’s Emergency Room. It would be great if everyone who attended worship this month brought at least one item for the children. Have you picked out anything. yet?
Our October Newsletter is full of information. Check out our calendar for the month and see if you are responsible for serving in a specific way on the Lay Ministers page.
The vibrant ministry to children through our Weekday School has expanded this semester. We have added a 2-year old class and it is wonderful. The children are learning and being trained that church is a great place to be. One mother said today, she has witnessed a miracle in the development of her child in just the first two weeks of school. We praise God for the daily ministry of our Weekday School.
This also includes our 3 year old and 4 year old classes where we daily serve over twenty children. Our after-school program helps twenty-four right children now with homework and other learning. Of course, a highlight of the week is when members of Laurel Hill UMC provide Thursday After-School Sunday School!
Please continue to pray each day for the work Margo Keeles, our director, and all of our teachers and teachers’s aides are doing. Praise God for those who come in and help serve the children, preparing meals and snacks, caring for the children, and providing encouragement for our staff. Oh, and make sure you check out the new playground, the newly power-washed playground equipment (THANKS CUB SCOUTS!!), and all the good things going on here everyday at Laurel Hill UMC.
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Sunday, September 16th, 2012 right after 11:00am worship is concluded, there will be a brief but informative time for the Missions Committee and all interested persons to get on their mark and set to prepare for our Fall Mission Auction & Dinner.
I love saying that. “See you Sunday.” We are so blessed to be able to freely gather and proclaim that Jesus is Lord together. It is so good to come into the presence of the Lord and worship Him together and to find in Jesus the strength, the healing, the joy, and the hope we need to stand faithful and strong in a world that is tearing itself apart.
Grace and peace to you this day. Pray for one another. Check out the bulletin for this Sunday and don’t forget, I expect to see you here.