February’s Newsletter and Calendar

As I meditate on Sunday’s message, the prophet Jeremiah wakes us to the fact that there are usually three reasons why people take action. One is power. Two is pride. Three is principle. Power and pride are pursued to satisfy self. Principle is followed to satisfy a standard greater than self. Jeremiah lifts up the one standard for which we take action as Christians, one self-evident truth that moves us and propels us forward: The Lord is our Hope, our Savior in times of distress. (Jeremiah 14: 8)

We dare not stray from seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness first! We dare not look to any other person or thing to determine our future but in this leap year cast ourselves completely over to Jesus, our Lord and Christ.

Look for ways God’s Word can be settled and work powerfully in you each day of the month ahead. Read the Newsletter and keep up with things using the Calendar.

Mark your calendar especially for our Ash Wednesday Service at Willis United Methodist Church, February 10th at 7:00 PM and don’t forget that all of February is Heart Havens’ Month!

ashwednesday2                        Heart HavensMonth 2016

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“Laurel Hill, We Have a Problem… But It’s Getting Fixed.”

leaks4We finally got back into the church building after the snow and discovered we had snow come down on the inside of the church as well as outside. But, thanks to everyone for responding quickly and we hope limiting the eventual damage. Now, we work on fixing the problem.

Because of the clean up and drying out work that needs to be completed by the Richmond ServPro we will use our Fellowship Hall as our worship space this Sunday, January 31st. Come on and share in Sunday School as normal. Step over any chords you see in the hall or running from the classrooms and then come on downstairs as we worship together. Worship times remain the same- 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM.  See you Sunday!

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A Time Set Apart for Prayer and Vision

James1.5This Saturday morning at Laurel Hill will be a time set apart for prayer and pursuing the vision of ministry God has for us. We’ll start with breakfast at 8:00 AM. Thanks to Doug Singlemann and other men of God for preparing this meal for us before we meet together. We will begin with a time of devotion and worship at 8:45 AM, preparing our hearts to hear from God and each other and then formally begin our focused time at 9:00 AM.

This is more than planning our calendar. This is a time of agreed upon focus and mission where we mark our year with the ministries we believe help us fulfill God’s holy purposes for Laurel Hill within the kingdom and within our community.

At 11:45 AM, we will share in Holy Communion to conclude this sacred time.

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