June Newsletter & Calendar

june Hello Everyone!

Here is the newsletter for June, the calendar, and those who are Lay Servants this month.

We welcome the Rev. David Torrence back first Sunday, June 2nd to share a message of God’s grace and Holy Communion and we give thanks for our Lay Leader, Theresa Duke for sharing Sunday June 30th. Pray for Norman as he preaches at Hebron United Methodist Church for their Homecoming June 2nd and as he serves as assistant Spiritual Director for a Chrysalis flight the last weekend of the month. Prayas well for our Annual Conference to be held in Hampton, VA June 21 – 23.

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Helping those in Oklahoma.

umcorlogo You can minister hope and healing for those devastated by tornadoes in Oklahoma. Pray first. This is how we can be a first responder. Read the article from the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) site, http://www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Resources/News-Stories/2013/May/0521-After-Moore-Tornado.

Then, give and know that 100% of what you donate through UMCOR goes to help those who need it most! How can you give? Donations can be made on line or by writing a check to LHUMC designating it for UMCOR Advance #901670.

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You Are Needed As A Volunteer!

teachAs you may have noticed, Children’s Time comes earlier in the worship service now and that is for a reason. We wanted to make sure our children received the benefits of Sunday School even if they could only come to worship. But, to make this extra time the best learning time it can be we need you to help serve as a teacher or teacher’s aide.

This help can be for a single Sunday or for consecutive weeks if you are able to dedicate that time to the Lord. The more people we have volunteer the lighter the responsibility for everyone. If you can help or would like to find out more, contact Mary Holmes at 795-2864 or at mholmes804@aol.com.

With summer fast approaching, it will be good to know your help made a big difference in the life of our children!

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