When a Plan Comes Together!

Hannibal Smith of the A-team says, “I love it when a plan comes together!” I do, too and I was a witness to such a coming together this week. Last night, we concluded the first Varina-wide Revival. The Route 5 Corridor pastors sought the Lord together and believed an event needed to occur where we crossed our racial and denominational barriers. This week the walls came tumbling down. I thank all of those who made this week so good. I thank the Lord! I thank my fellow pastors. A big “Thank you” goes out to the music ministers of our various churches who did a terrific job of making it easy to praise the Lord. I thank all of the folks who came with open hearts to receive the word of the Lord and for our preachers who brought us the word: the Dr. Dean John W. Kinney and the Rev. Dale Hathorn.

Through them we were encouraged to watch for what the Lord will do rather than get stuck looking at our problems. We were encouraged to be a person of praise. We were told to run to the well for living water; don’t sit back and wait for someone to bring you some. Get desperate for a deep drink of living water. Don’t hold back; there is an endless supply. Take the lid off of our box and throw away the sin, the doubt, and the fear and freely enjoy a new experience of the Holy Spirit!

If you were there please share your comments and where you discern the Lord leading us next. This is Annie Rutledge with Dale!daleatrevival

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April Showers of Blessing

aprilshowersPlease read April’s newsletter and see if you are serving as a lay minister this month.

Also, I know you will want to keep up with this month’s calendar. I remind you our Confirmation Class starts April 7th at 5:00 PM and our Bible Study starts at 6:00 PM. Our Mission Yard Sale is on the 13th from 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM.

Varina-wide Revival Services begin April 21 at Antioch Baptist Church. Prayer & Praise begins at 6:45 PM and the service starts at 7:00 PM. There is still time for you to join the Mass Choir. Practice is on Tuesday, April 9th and 16th!

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Pray, Plan & Prepare for Revival!


Pray for our Varina-wide Community Revival April 21 – 24, 2013! Make your plans to be there. Join the practices for the Mass Choir. There are still two left, April 9th and 16th at 7:00 PM at Antioch Baptist Church. That is the site for our revival services (1384 New Market Rd on Route 5 in Varina, VA).

We welcome our preachers: the Rev. Dr. John W. Kinney, Dean of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University and the Rev. Dale Hathorn, President of the National Association of United Methodist Evangelists.

Make your plans to let the Lord do his work of “Restoring the Soul”. Prayer & Praise begins each evening at 6:45 PM and the service starts at 7:00 PM.

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