View the bulletin for this Sunday and commit yourself to being a part of the outreach and mission work of Laurel Hill United Methodist Church.
1. Bring an item: a book, a DVD, or a stuffed animal for the outreach to the MCV Medical Center’s Children’s Emergency Room. There are three more weeks, the 14th, the 21st, and the 28th when you can bring items for this ministry.
2. See how you can help with Trunk or Treat. This ministry outreach is set for October 31st and starts at 6:30 PM. Talk to Jeremy and Stephanie Rowan and see how you can help provide food or candy for the evening, or you could park your car beside mine, decorate your trunk, and bring plenty of treats for the children of our community. You can get to meet the young families of our community and share with them the good news about Jesus Christ and our life together here at Laurel Hill. Choose a Bible theme or dress up in costume, be creative and be a part of Trunk or Treat.
3. Get your tickets for our Fall Mission Dinner & Auction set for Saturday, November 3rd, plan for the item or items you would like to contribute to the auction. Maybe you have a friend that would like to donate goods or services for the auction. Contact Peggy Singlemann and find out what you can do to help.