Trunk or Treat, October 31st!

Trunk-or-TreatIt’s almost time for Trunk or Treat and you can be a part of this outreach to the children in our community on October 31st. Bring your car to Laurel Hill, pop the trunk, and let the “Good Times” begin. We can use volunteers to help with supper! Don’t forget to dress in your Halloween best.

Help us make this event a fun and unique time for our children.We also need donations of candy, individually wrapped or pencils, erasers and other small useful items or toys. If possible, please bring your candy and other items to the church by Sunday, October 27th. Thank you so much for your help and participation.

For info or to volunteer call Stephanie & Jeremy Rowan @795-1973 H or 221-9048 C.

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Pilgrim, Let’s Make Progress Together!

fall foliage Pilgrim, let’s make progress together. Change is in the air and it is time to ready ourselves to follow the Lord! The path before us is full of obstacles and opportunities. Let’s ready ourselves to take full advantage of our opportunities. We can start with our Fall Mission Dinner and Auction on November 2nd, starting at 6:00 PM.

Also, check the CALENDAR and the NEWSLETTER to stay up to date as we travel through the month of November. Make sure you are a faithful LAY MINISTER, serving the Lord.

Remember our Charge Conference with our District Superintendent, Steve Jones after lunch, November 10th as well as our Community Thanksgiving Service at Varina Episcopal Church on November 27th at 7:00 PM. Remember to be present in our times of worship together; your presence makes a big difference!

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