This Sunday’s Bulletin: 9/9/2012

Praise God, we’re getting together this Sunday.  Our Early Praise & Worship starts at 9:00am. Sunday School begins at 9:45am and features a new Young Adult Class that will meet in the Senior High Classroom.  The Gathering Class will now meet in the Fellowship Hall.  Oh, and what a wonderful time we will have at 11:00am in worshiping the Lord! You make sure you’re there.

This is our Promotion Sunday for those in our Sunday School who will be changing classes this year.  We will share Bibles during our worship we pray will be useful to these students and help them grow in their faith.  You will also see in the bulletin the Friendship Class is singing for us this Sunday.  What a treat is in store for us.

Speaking of treats, we will share in our monthly Fellowship Lunch right after the service.  Bring a covered dish and stay for that time together.  Right before we’re blessed to go to lunch, we’ll receive an update from one of our Trustees, Randy Welch, on the Balcony Project.  I know you will want to hear about that.

So, I’ll see you Sunday.  We’ll worship.  We’ll learn more about Jesus and we’ll get to eat and talk together.  Don’t miss it.  See you Sunday.