Sunday, November 25th and Beyond…

Here is the bulletin for November 25th, Christ the King Sunday.  You also will find our December calendar and newsletter here!

Andy Williams sings a Christmas song saying, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”  One of the reasons that is true is because Thanksgiving comes before Christmas.  Remember to stop and give thanks for the blessings of life, liberty, and righteousness.  God bless you and your family as we move forward into the Advent season.

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November Newsletter plus this week’s Bulletin

Here is your November newsletter , the calendar of events, and the Lay Servants’ list for the month.

Plus, here is the bulletin for Sunday, October 21, 2012 and your invitation to help and participate with Trunk or Treat, October 31, 2012!

And, don’t forget to pick up your tickets for the Fall Mission Dinner & Auction.

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