Spring Growing Season

corn sprouting This month is a growing season! It is a time for growing deep roots of faith and experience the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. It is time to grow more worshipful even in our times of grief and loss and see how the Lord is present with us in all of our trials. Every Sunday in May we have a special opportunity for growing in grace. First Sunday, we begin our Community Revival. Mothers’ Day, we celebrate and appreciate those who helped us grow up. May 18th we learn from the experience of Cathy Hendrick Weeks as she shares how God’s word was a strong tower that drew her out of grief and pain. The last Sunday, we remember those who have given their lives in service to our country and we come before the Lord with prayers and longing for the revival and growth in holiness of our nation.

Plan ahead and start your growing season in the Lord. Read the Newsletter and follow this month’s Calendar.

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In Like a Lamb or In Like a Lion?

Due to the several occasions of snow and winter weather (in winter) many are warmly wishing for the approach of Spring. Officially that will be March 20th but between now and then there is a lot that is going to be going on here at Laurel Hill United Methodist Church. Check it out in our March Calendar and while you’re at it see if you are one of our LAY MINISTERS for the month.

Also, make sure you read the NEWSLETTER. Everything is being reformatted this month with Barbara’s new computer but follow along as best you can. lionorlamb

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If You Want to Honor the Lord, Then Here’s Your Chance.

honor During the month of October we want to honor the Lord with “our prayers, our presence, our gifts, and our service.” Read about how you can do that in this month’s newsletter and look for opportunities to serve and be involved on the calendar. Also find out specifically if you are scheduled to serve as one of our Lay Ministers this month.

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July Newsletter and Calendar


We look forward to the month of July and the reminder to each of us that our liberty is best preserved in responsibility. As your pastor I remind you of your responsibility to uphold the ministries of Laurel Hill United Methodist Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness.

In this month’s newsletter we give thanks for God leading us forward through the Uphill Challenges we face. We know that in Jesus’ name and in the power of the Spirit we can serve the Lord together. Our Lay Servants will lead the way.

Celebrate our graduates and pray for them as they seek God’s will and purpose for their lives.

Also, review our last post and see how you can help with “Hay Day” Vacation Bible School.

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