The Lord knows it can be difficult to look ahead with hope and confidence when that way seems dark or uncertain or we’re still trying to catch up to where we are. This is why it is so good to be able to trust the Lord. His plans for us are to graciously give us a future and a hope.
I hope we won’t waste any part of 2016 trying to cast our own future but will fully discern and follow the will of the Lord. Strong are the temptations of our flesh to elevate our own desires above the self denial Jesus commands for those who follow Him. The tug of complying with the world is persuasive for many but as Hebrews tells us, “we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.” (Hebrews 10: 39)
So, let 2016 be the year that in both mundane and mighty ways you demonstrate the faith God gives to save us! As we move into 2016 together here is January’s Calendar and newsletter.