Our Story

Laurel Hill Church is located at 1919 New Market Road (Rt. 5), Henrico, VA 23231 about 3 miles west of I-295 and about a half a mile east off the Laburnum Ave. exit off Pocahontas Parkway (895).

Laurel Hill Church is rich in history as a church family committed to a life in Christ. We began in the heart of Varina almost 150 years ago; the church has grown through its existence as a church-hospital in the Civil War, as a circuit church, and survived a disastrous fire which destroyed the sanctuary about 50 years ago. Then, dedicated, Spirit-filled Christians worked hard together to build a new sanctuary. 

That hard work has continued with many new improvements including a new addition connecting the sanctuary and educational building, the installation of an elevator providing total accessibility throughout both buildings, remodeling the education building and the installation of 18 stained glass windows. Faithful clergy and laity ministering together have established a legacy of dedication and service which enables Laurel Hill to be a beacon of light in our community, in our world and to all who follow for generations to come. 

In response to the needs of the Varina community, Laurel Hill Church also operates the Laurel Hill Weekday School. These programs are an active part of the life and ministry of Laurel Hill Church. We accept the opportunity through our morning Preschool and After School child care to share our values of love, caring, cooperation and forgiveness. The Church and child care programs work together to enhance the spiritual, mental and physical growth of children in our community. 

Our Early Service of Praise and Worship begins at 8:45 am and our Traditional Worship experience starts at 11:00 am. Sunday School for all ages starts at 9:45 am.

Call us at (804) 795-2772 or contact us at laurelhillchurch.varina@gmail.com