Graduation of “Living Life” Discipleship Class

Dear all, 

Thanks be to God for me to announce the completion of “Living Life” class this week. 

There are three gracious graduates and one observer this time. 

Graduates: Muriel Jenness , Pam Johnson, Peggy Singlemann

Thank you Rachel Hawk, the chair of Evangelism, for being with us. 

The celebration date will be announced later. 

Yunho Eo, pastor

Please, Donate Non-Perishable Foods for Families in Need!


An organization called My Richmond is looking for food donations for families in Eastern Henrico. They will accept donations of non perishable foods that require little preparation. Call Tom and Barbara Austin at 303-4828 to arrange pick-up. A detailed list  of acceptable donations is listed on the Laurel Hill Web Site (below).

Barbara Austin, Mission Chair


You can click  Equity for seeing the list of things needed. 

Thank you for your help and participation to this mission project. 

May 2020 Newsletter and Calendar

Dear all members and friends, 

May the safety and health in God be with you!

COVID-19 changes our life in many ways. One of those changes is the spiritual life. Worship and fellowship have to change. 

The spiritual formation in the future should be changed, which means we are not going to the past any more. The church has to be ready for this. Many will seek for the on-line media spiritual life more and more as time goes on. 

We are doing an on-line service every Sunday on Facebook. And the fellowship of the House Church through the on-line also has been developed and done with a couple of House Churches. I hope all House Churches could have the fellowship through the on-line. And all of our church members participate in the House Churches. These two will continue to be our form of the ministry for this uncertain time. 

But we have the hope as long as we have the vision of God because God is reigning the universe. Remember what happened after ten plagues in the land of Egypt! There was Exodus after the curse of various plagues in that land. God is going to lead a new horizon of the church. I am excited to see how God is leading us in our church in the future. 

One of my young friends said, “Well, many people knew that this trend of the virtual world would come some day. But because of COVID-19, it came pretty much earlier.” I agree with him. We will depend more on the internet, use more often Facebook, You-tube and Twitter as well as other networking media. We will be more familiar with this new trend even if it would be awkward and hard in the beginning time especially to the older generation. This new world trend is already here and yet to come. God is reigning all of these trends, that is our strength and security as believers of God in Jesus Christ.   May our Lord bless and protect you!

Click the letter and you will see Newsletter.5.20   and  Calendar 5.20.