Advent is the season of waiting for the arrival of our Lord. While the first Advent was waited by Jews 2000 years ago, we are waiting for his returning again. We have weekly meditation and prayer with a booklet published by NIV (Zondervan) for 25 days.
We invite you to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in the season of Advent. Other celebrations are following;
12/2, “Hanging of the Greens” at 11am 12/9, Holy Communion, Bell Choir at 11am, Children’s Presentation at 6pm 12/16, Christmas Cantata with Chancel Choir at 11am 12/24, Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion at 7pm 12/31, New Year Eve (Watch-night) service with Candle Lighting at 11:30pm
Please take a look at Newsletter12.18 and Calendar12.18.
Greetings of Advent Season and Merry Christmas to you all!
Yunho Eo, pastor