December News Letter and Calendar

20181127_143017Advent is the season of waiting for the arrival of our Lord. While the first Advent was waited by Jews 2000 years ago, we are waiting for his returning again. We have weekly meditation and prayer with a booklet published by NIV (Zondervan) for    25 days.

We invite you to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in the season of Advent. Other celebrations are following;

12/2, “Hanging of the Greens” at 11am                                                                                              12/9,  Holy Communion, Bell Choir at 11am,    Children’s Presentation at 6pm                       12/16, Christmas Cantata with Chancel Choir at 11am                                                                   12/24, Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion  at 7pm                                                     12/31, New Year Eve (Watch-night) service with Candle Lighting at 11:30pm

Please take a look at Newsletter12.18  and Calendar12.18.

Greetings of Advent Season and Merry Christmas to you all!

Yunho Eo, pastor


November News Letter and Calendar.

Thanksgiving community worship

Hi, there!

Thank you for visiting our website of Laurel Hill UMC!

May God bless you and guide you to the blessings overflown in your life!

We all rejoice farmers’ abundant harvest with this thanksgiving season for God’s providing rain, light, wind, good temperature and right weather for the crops and fruits. It is too much to count all blessings of God toward us.

This season teaches us there is a season of harvest in our life too.                                          Some day, we are all standing before God to show our fruits we bear through our spiritual journey in this world. All in Christ look forward to rejoicing the feast of the heavenly harvest banquet.

We will remember our loved ones on All Saints Sunday (Nov. 4th), celebrate the Veteran’s Sunday Day (Nov. 11), and rejoice all God’s blessings at  Thanksgiving Day.

If you click  Newsletter11.18 and  Calendar11.18   , you can see our activities,  and ministries and missions for November. Thank you. May God bless you abundantly!